NMR, once the F count on the platform has
been maximized and the tune tested, put the hole
exposing the sample in place and push the sample
into the middle of the magnet. Watch the ratio of
the platform F/B count. The F count should still be
maximal, and the ratio (at a field of 4.1 T) should be 2.
For other values of the field, the value of the ratio may
be slightly different; however the F count should always be
the largest. At low fields (0.5 T or less) the F count rate
should again be maximal and the B rate may fall to a very low
value. The ratio of F/B may be as high as 10.
Both the L and R count rates should be maximized. The ratio
will be approximately 1. To truly test this, put the shutter in
the front of the laser and check the rate in the
absence of nuclear polarization [2].